Jenkins Restorations and servants with a heart: a food packing event filled with gratitude and community spirit

Thank you to Rebekah baldi, from Jenkins restorations, for writing today’s blog!

Every year, Jenkins Restorations eagerly anticipates its partnership with Servants With a Heart and the heartwarming food packing event that we host together. It's a time we reflect on our many blessings and come together with the spirit of gratitude and giving back. This cherished collaboration allows us to extend our hands in service, blessing those around us and, in return, receiving more blessings than we could have ever imagined.

The community involvement at this annual event is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The roster of volunteers, who continually return year after year, is a testament to the enduring impact of this initiative. At the heart of it all is a shared commitment to making a difference in our community and across the globe.

The event, held on December 2 this year, was nothing short of a success. The joyous sound of Christmas music echoed through the venue as over 120 employee and community volunteers joined forces to pack over 63,000 meals. It was a day filled with camaraderie, laughter, and a shared sense of purpose that transcended the Christmas season.

The success of this event is a testament to the power of collaboration and community spirit. Jenkins Restorations is immensely grateful for the dedication of every volunteer and their willingness to give up their time to serve others. Beyond the sheer numbers and the meals packed, friendships were forged, and a community bond was strengthened. It is a reminder that the impact of such events extends far beyond the immediate assistance provided; it leaves an enduring legacy of compassion and unity.

In the aftermath of the event, the memories linger, serving as a source of inspiration for the future. Jenkins Restorations is honored to be a part of a community that values compassion and service, and we look forward to continuing this tradition of giving back in the years to come.

Suzanne Yoh